zip code,postal code,zip code proximity,geo data,zip code search,postal code search,webservice,proximity searching,zip code radius search

 deutsche Version


We have prepared a list of frequently asked questions and related answers for internet agencies who will integrate our webservice on their customers websites.

Which programming language is used with Edith: Distance     

Edith: Distance is a XML-RPC-based webservice.
The XML-RPC-protocol allows to start scripts on other webservers as if they were local functions. You only call Edith: Distance in your programming language and then you have to handle with the results (zip codes, cities, distances). All wih your favorite programming language and all in your layout and with your functionality!

See also our scenario.


  • you always work with actual data
  • quick setup
  • no graphical or functional limits with your project

What is needed to use Edith: Distance on my website?      

  • A serverside programming language (PHP, Perl, Java, ASP, Python,...)
  • A XML-RPC-library for your programming language.

How can I influence the search or the results?      

You can call Edith: Distance with additional paramters to influence the amount of returned data and their sort. For further information please read the documentation for Edith: Distance.
If you need any other features please contact us.

How do I integrate Edith: Distance     

  1. Buy a license
  2. Tell us the IP-Adress of the server which communicates with our webservice
  3. You'll get your customer id
  4. With this customer id you call our webservice
  5. That's all!

How exact are the distances?      

The given distances are only approximately exact. See the reasons in the following graphics:


Each zip code area describes a polygon.

Entfernungen der PLZ-Gebiete

The distance between two zip code areas...

=Mittelpunkte der Polygone

...corresponds to the center distance, which is drawn as rectangle around the polygon.