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How to use Edith: Distance in PHP?

In the following example all zip codes within the radius of 25 km around the zip code 30175 are shown. The example uses the XML-RPC-libraray by Keith Devens (


//include library
require 'xmlrpc.php';

//prepare parameter 
$params = array(
XMLRPC_prepare(1),       // Your customer id
XMLRPC_prepare('30175'), // zip code
XMLRPC_prepare(25)       // radius of 25 km

//function call
$result_array XMLRPC_request('',

$request_ok $result_array[0];
$result     $result_array[1];
//show result as table
echo '<table border="1">';
//show error code
echo "Error!<br />Number {$result['faultCode']}, ";
"Message: {$result['faultString']}<br />";