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How to use Edith: Distance in ASP?

In the following example all zip codes within the radius of 25 km around the zip code 30175 are shown. The example uses the XML-RPC-libraray by David Carter-Tod (

<!-- include libraray  -->
<!--#include virtual="/k4asp/xmlrpc.asp" -->
    'prepare Parameter
    Dim paramList(3)
    Dim url
    paramList(0) = 1
    paramList(1) = "30175"
    paramList(2) = 25

    'function call
    url = ""
    myresp = xmlRPC (url, "edithDistance.showRelated", paramList)

    'show result as table
    response.write( "<table border='1'>")
    for i = 0 to ubound(myresp)
        response.write("<tr><td>" & myresp(i).Item("plz"))
        response.write("</td><td>" & myresp(i).Item("distance"))
    response.write( "</table>")